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Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice: A Practical Guide

Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice: A Practical Guide


Author: Jane Bonehill Idioma: Inglés Encuadernación: Paperback, 280 pages ISBN: 978-1-4051-8592-9 Nº Edición: 1/July 2010 Jane Bonehill is Proprietor of DenMed Training and Consultancy. She is a founder member and past Chairperson of the BADN Health and Safety Advisory Committee. The main purpose of this book is to provide clear,...
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Descripción completa de: Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice: A Practical Guide

Author: Jane Bonehill
Idioma: Inglés
Encuadernación: Paperback, 280 pages
ISBN: 978-1-4051-8592-9
Nº Edición: 1/July 2010
Jane Bonehill is Proprietor of DenMed Training and Consultancy. She is a founder member and past Chairperson of the BADN Health and Safety Advisory Committee.
The main purpose of this book is to provide clear, straightforward information about the key requirements relating to health and safety in dental practices, with a practical and user-friendly approach to help manage these issues on a day-to-day basis. It assists practice managers, dentists, dental nurses and other team members in making health and safety 'second nature' by integrating it into their usual routine - thereby preventing accidents, addressing unacceptable working practices, and maintaining professional standards in order to ensure, so far as is reasonable, the protection of employees and patients.

The book offers comprehensive coverage of all major topics, from the handling of hazardous substances to the management of medical emergencies. Each chapter includes:

  • A tab for ease of reference
  • A bulleted list outlining the scope of the chapter
  • A list of figures
  • An introduction to the subject and its relevance to the dental practice
  • A list of key legislation relating to the subject
  • The subject content broken down into sub-headings
  • A summary to help reflection and recollection
  • An action check list to measure against existing working practices
  • frequently asked questions to assist in practical application

Each topic is covered with specific reference to dental practice needs, with all the necessary detail but no excessive technicality. Ultimately, this book shows how a healthy and safe workplace is eminently achievable.





How to use this manual.

Introduction – legal information.

1 Accidents and first aid.

2 Alcohol, drugs and smoking.

3 Communication and training.

4 Conflict management.

5 Disability access.

6 Display screen equipment.

7 Electrical safety.

8 Fire safety and emergencies.

9 Hazardous substances.

10 Infection control.

11 Lone working.

12 Managing health and safety.

13 Manual handling.

14 Medical emergencies.

15 Occupational health and well-being.

16 Personal protective equipment.

17 Policy.

18 Radiation protection.

19 Risk assessment.

20 Stress management.

21 Visitors, locums and contractors.

22 Work equipment.

23 Working environment.

24 Working hours.

Sources of advice and information.


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