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Author : Rosenberg / Paul A. Language: English Finishing : Hardcover, 183 pages ISBN : 9783642551543 Edition Number: 2014 ENDODONTIC PAIN Rosenberg Description:  User-friendly guide to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of endodontic pain Ideal for use at the chair side Informative images and flow charts Readily understandable explanations of the causes and biological basis of...
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Descripción completa de: ENDODONTIC PAIN - Rosenberg

Author : Rosenberg / Paul A.

Language: English

Finishing : Hardcover, 183 pages

ISBN : 9783642551543

Edition Number: 2014




  • User-friendly guide to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of endodontic pain
  • Ideal for use at the chair side
  • Informative images and flow charts
  • Readily understandable explanations of the causes and biological basis of pain

Endodontic pain is a complex symptom that often drives a patient to a dentist in search of relief. In these circumstances, the patient is likely to pose a range of questions: Can you relieve my pain? Will the treatment be painful? How will I feel later? The answers to such questions often form the basis of the patient’s assessment of the dentist. The combination of pain and a negative dental experience has physical and psychological sequelae for the patient that may last long after treatment. 

This book is a concise, well-structured guide to the assessment and treatment of patients who present with endodontic pain, in which step-by-step descriptions are complemented by informative images and flow charts. The advantages, disadvantages, and significance of specific diagnostic and treatment procedures are clearly described, as is a pharmacotherapeutic approach to the prevention and treatment of pain. In addition, the causes and biological basis of endodontic pain are explained and guidance is provided on further strategies for pain prevention. The crisp narrative, efficient design, and visual detail are notable features of this book that will make it an ideal chairside resource for the clinician and a dependable reference for the student.

Table of contents:

Diagnosis: Definition of Pain.- Differential Diagnosis.- History of Chief Complaint.- Patient Narratives and their Diagnostic Significance.- Causes of Pain: Caries.- Trauma.- Restorative.- Non Odontogenic.- Endodontic Procedural. Other Contributing Factors: Co-morbidities.- Genetics.- Gender.- Anxiety.- Strategies to Prevent Endodontic Pain: Pre Operative.- Intra Operative.- Post Operative. Treatment: Vital Endodontic Cases.- Non Vital Endodontic Cases. Long Term Pain following “successful” Endodontics.

Author Information:

Dr. Paul Rosenberg served as the Chair of the Department of Endodontics at New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry from 1990 to 2012. He is the Director of the Advanced Education Program as well as the International Program in Endodontics. He served as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs from 2000 to 2005. Dr. Rosenberg is a past Director of the American Board of Endodontics (2002-2008) and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics. He has published extensively in journals and text books and has lectured nationally and internationally on the subject of pain.

In 2000, Dr. Rosenberg won the Distinguished Teaching Award, which is the highest award for teaching at NYU. In December 2007, NYU College of Dentistry unveiled a new facility, the Paul and Maxine Rosenberg Educational Wing, in his honor, which is dedicated to providing postgraduate students with a facility devoted to their specific needs. Dr. Rosenberg maintains a practice limited to Endodontics in New York City.

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