Author: Mariano Sanz
Language: English
Finishing: DVD, 50 minutes
ISBN: D193-00
Author Information:
Dr. Mariano Sanz es catedrático de Periodoncia y Decano de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCM. Es Director del programa de especialización “Magíster en Periodoncia”, también de la UCM. Es Presidente de la Región Europea en la Asociación Internacional de Investigación Dental del Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Europea de Periodoncia, Chairman del “European Council of Dental Deans” y Editor Asociado de varias revistas científicas como “Journal of Clinical Periodontology” y “Evidence-Based Dental Practice”. Especialista en Estomatología. Universidad Complutense de Madrid Especialista en Periodoncia. Universidad de California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Doctor en Medicina (PhD degree). Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de San Sebastián (Santiago de Chile)
It is well established that tooth extraction will result in an apico-coronal as well as bucco-lingual reduction of the alveolar ridge, mostly in the buccal aspects of the extraction site.
In order to avoid this physiological bone loss some clinicians have advocated the immediate installation of implants in fresh extraction sockets. Different clinical studies have evaluated the impact of this implant placement surgical approach on different outcomes, such as: implant survival, bone crest alterations and aesthetic results.
However, in spite of these reports, there is a lack of well-designed clinical trials that have evaluated these outcomes systematically and there is a lack of knowledge on the possible factors associated with different hard and soft tissue outcomes of this surgical protocol.
This presentation will review the results from clinical trials evaluating the immediate implant placement approach and we hall review the important risk factors (implant design, implant position, implant location, thickness of bony walls, etc.) involved in the clinical outcome.
Finally we shall provide some clinical recommendations on the use of this surgical approach.
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