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Author: Antoon J.M. Ligtenberg and Enno C.I. Veerman Language: English Finishing: Hardcover 154 pages ISBN: 9783318025958 Edition Number: May 2014 SALIVA SECRETION AND FUNCTIONS Antoon J.M. Ligtenberg and Enno C.I. Veerman Description: Health professionals are more and more aware of the importance of saliva for oral health and well-being. As saliva secretion...
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Descripción completa de: SALIVA SECRETION AND FUNCTIONS - Ligtenberg

Author: Antoon J.M. Ligtenberg and Enno C.I. Veerman

Language: English

Finishing: Hardcover 154 pages

ISBN: 9783318025958

Edition Number: May 2014


Antoon J.M. Ligtenberg and Enno C.I. Veerman


Health professionals are more and more aware of the importance of saliva for oral health and well-being. As saliva secretion is steadily compromised with advancing age, it becomes a factor of concern in societies with an aging population, especially with a growing number of people who keep their own teeth. The numerous functions of saliva, like antimicrobial activity, lubrication, wound healing and its role in taste experience are only truly recognized when saliva secretion is hampered. In medical diagnostics, saliva shows its value as a safe economical alternative to blood. This publication provides a comprehensiver overview of the latest developments in salivary research by some of the world's leading experts in the field. Chapters deal with various aspects: anatomy and physiology, e.g. regeneration of salivary glands, saliva functions, e.g. its protective and rheological properties, and diagnostics and disorders, e.g. xerostomia and hypersalivation.
This book is not only recommended to basic scientists working in the field of oral biology, but also to dental studients, dentists and healt professionals who want to know more about one of the most underestimated bodily fluids.


Anatomy and Physiology

  • Anatomy, biogenesis and regeneration of salivary glands
  • Salivary Secretion: Mechanism and Neural Regulation

Saliva Functions

  • Salivary Pellicles
  • Antimicrobial Defense Systems in Saliva
  • Saliva and Wound Healding
  • Role of Saliva in Oral Food Perception
  • Lubrication

Diagnostics and Disorders

  • Saliva Diagnostics: Utilizing Oral Fluids to determine Health status
  • The use of saliva markers in Psychobiology: Mechanisms and Methods
  • Xerostomia
  • Drooling
  • Salivary gland diseases: infections, sialolithiasis and mucoceles

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