Author: Joan Pi Urgell
Language: Castellano
Finishing: DVD, 90 minutes
ISBN: D057-00
Información del Autor:
Dr. Joan Pi Urgell received his MD in Medicine and Surgery in 1978 and DDS in 1979 from the University of Barcelona. From 1977–78, he was assistant professor at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Barcelona. He attended the University of Southern California for postgraduate special training. In 1985, he received a certificate in Osseointegration and Surgical Training from Lund University. Became Assistant Professor at the Oral Surgery and Implantology Master at the University of Barcelona. From 1990 to 2006, he directed the Brånemark Osseointegration Center in Barcelona. He became a founding member of the European Association of Osseointegration in 1991. He has contributed to the following books: Decision Making in Dental Treatment Planning, Decision Making in Periodontology, The Brånemark Novum Protocol in the Same Day Teeth, Implantología Oral, and El Manual de la Odontología.
Uno de los temas de mayor actualidad en Implantologia Oral es la posibilidad de someter a funcion oclusal,de una forma inmediata los implantes,evitando el tiempo de espera correspondiente a la Oseointegracion En el Maxilar Inferior se han obtenido unos resultados excelentes,con extensa bibliografia que evidencian un alto grado de predictibilidad. Los mismos resultados se pueden obtener en el Maxilar Superior siguiendo unos protocolos perfectamente definidos. El objetivo de esta presentacion es la descripcion de las bases cientificas para la funcion inmediata,su aplicacion clinica y las distintas alternativas o protocolos para el tratamiento del maxilar superior,analizando los factores mas importantes y los resultados obtenidos.
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