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Typical and Atypical Motor Development - Sugden / Wade

Typical and Atypical Motor Development - Sugden / Wade


Autor:  Sugden / Wade Encuadernación: 396 págs Idioma: English Referencia: 978-1-908316-55-4 Nº Edición: 2013 Contenido: Sugden and Wade, leading authors in this area, comprehensively cover motor development and motor impairment, drawing on sources in medicine and health-related studies, motor learning and developmental psychology. A theme that runs through the book is that movement outcomes are...
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Descripción completa de: Typical and Atypical Motor Development - Sugden / Wade

Autor:  Sugden / Wade

Encuadernación: 396 págs

Idioma: English

Referencia: 978-1-908316-55-4

Nº Edición: 2013


Sugden and Wade, leading authors in this area, comprehensively cover motor development and motor impairment, drawing on sources in medicine and health-related studies, motor learning and developmental psychology. A theme that runs through the book is that movement outcomes are a complex transaction of child resources, the context in which movement takes place, and the manner in which tasks are presented. The core themes of the book involve descriptions of motor development from conception through to emerging adulthood, explanations of motor development from differing theoretical, empirical, and experiential perspectives, and descriptions and explanations of atypical motor development when the resources of the child are limited in some way.

Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, paediatricians, teachers (physical education, early childhood development, elementary education), educational psychologists, kinesiology and sports scientists.

Tabla de Contenidos:

  • Chapter 1:  An Introduction to Motor Development
  • Chapter 2: Biological Influences on Developmental Change
  • Chapter 3: Developmental Models and Theories, Motor Control and Development Theories:
  • Chapter 4:  Early Movement Development: Birth to 24 Months
  • Chapter 5:  Motor Development of Young Children: Two to Seven Years of Age
  • Chapter 6:  A Movement Development of Young Children; Seven Years of Age through Puberty
  • Chapter 7:  Cerebral Palsy: The Condition
  • Chapter 8: Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
  • Chapter 9: Children with Intellectual Disability
  • Chapter 10: Motor Development in Children with Other Developmental Disorders
  • Chapter 11: Children with Visual Impairment
  • Chapter 12:  Assessment and Intervention for Children with Movement Difficulties
  • Chapter 13: Perspectives on Development: Typical and Atypical

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