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Author: Mittal Language: English Finishing: Hardcover, 512 pages ISBN: 9781119162193 Edition Number: September 2015 Description: This book is based on the 13 review articles written by subject experts and published in 2014 in the Journal Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives. The rationale for publication of this book is that currently the...
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Descripción completa de: PROGRESS IN ADHESION AND ADHESIVES - Mittal

Author: Mittal

Language: English

Finishing: Hardcover, 512 pages

ISBN: 9781119162193

Edition Number: September 2015


This book is based on the 13 review articles written by subject experts and published in 2014 in the Journal Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives. The rationale for publication of this book is that currently the RAA has limited circulation, so this book provides broad exposure and dissemination of the concise, critical, illuminating, and thought-provoking review articles.

The subjects of the reviews fall into 4 general areas:

1. Polymer surface modification
2. Biomedical, pharmaceutical and dental fields
3. Adhesives and adhesive joints
4. General Adhesion Aspects         

The topics covered include: Adhesion of condensed bodies at microscale; imparting adhesion property to silicone material; functionally graded adhesively bonded joints; synthetic adhesives for wood panels; adhesion theories in wood adhesive bonding; adhesion and surface issues in biocomposites and bionanocomposites; adhesion phenomena in pharmaceutical products and applications of AFM; cyanoacrylate adhesives in surgical applications; ways to generate monosort functionalized polyolefin surfaces; nano-enhanced adhesives; bonding dissimilar materials in dentistry; flame treatment of polymeric materials—relevance to adhesion; and mucoadhesive polymers for enhancing retention of ocular drug delivery.

Table of Contents:

Preface xv
Adhesion of Condensed Bodies at Microscale: Variation with Movable Boundary Conditions 1 - Jian-Lin Liu, Jing Sun, Runni Wu and Re Xia

  • Introduction 1
  • Kinematics: Energy Variation with Movable Boundary Conditions 3
  • Microbeam/plate Adhesion 9
  • Droplet Adhesion to a Solid 13
  • Elastica Model of CNT Adhesion 17
  • Cell Adhesion 20
  • Summary and Prospects 23
  • Acknowledgements 24

References 24

Imparting Adhesion Property to Silicone Materials: Challenges and Solutions 31 - R. Kalinova, R. Mincheva and Ph. Dubois

  • Introduction 32
  • Cured PDMS 32
  • Methods for Cross-Linked PDMS Surface Modification 37
  • Summary and Prospects 48
  • Acknowledgements 48

References 50

Functionally Graded Adhesively Bonded Joints 57 - M. Kemal Apalak

  • Introduction 57
  • Functionally Graded Materials 61
  • Constitutive Relations 63
  • Joints with Functionally Graded Adherends 67
  • Functionally Graded Adhesives 73
  • Conclusions 77

References 78

Synthetic Adhesives for Wood Panels: Chemistry and Technology 85 - A. Pizzi

  • Introduction 85
  • Urea-formaldehyde (UF) Adhesives 87
  • Melamine-formaldehyde (MF) and Melamine-ureaformaldehyde (MUF) Adhesives 93
  • Phenolic Resins 99
  • Isocyanate Wood Adhesives 106
  • Summary 116

References 116

Adhesion Theories in Wood Adhesive Bonding 125 - Douglas J. Gardner, Melanie Blumentritt, Lu Wang and Nadir Yildirim

  • Introduction 125
  • Mechanical Interlocking and Mechanics of Adhesive-Wood Interactions 129
  • Electrostatic Adhesion 135
  • Wettability, Surface Energy, Thermodynamic Adhesion 137
  • Diffusion Theory of Adhesion 145
  • Covalent Bonding 148
  • Acid-base Theory 149
  • Weak Boundary Layer 150
  • Discussion and Future Research Prospects 155
  • Summary 157

References 158

Adhesion and Surface Issues in Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites 169 - Cintil Jose, Merin Sara Thomas, B. Deepa, Laly A. Pothan and Sabu Thomas

  • Introduction 170
  • Biopolymers 170
  • Chemical Modification of Cellulose, Chitin and Starch 174
  • Bio-based Matrices 177
  • Processing Techniques 184
  • Interfacial Adhesion Issues 185
  • Interface Characterization Techniques 189
  • Summary and Conclusions 207

References 207

Adhesion Phenomena in Pharmaceutical Products and Applications of AFM 219 - Emily Callard Preedy, Stefano Perni and Polina Prokopovich

  • Introduction 220
  • Adhesion in Pharmaceuticals 222
  • Atomic Force Microscopy 232
  • Prospects 236
  • Summary 237
  • Acknowledgments 237

References 237

Cyanoacrylate Adhesives in Surgical Applications 245 - Edward M. Petrie

  • Introduction 245
  • Types of Surgical Adhesives 249
  • History of Cyanoacrylate Surgical Adhesives 257
  • Formulation Development 269
  • Properties 278
  • Clinical History 285
  • Future Potential 290
  • Summary 292

References 293

Ways to Generate Monosort Functionalized Polyolefin Surfaces 299 - J. Friedrich, R. Mix and G. Hidde

  • Introduction 300
  • Production of Monotype Functional Groups 312
  • Other Methods for Introduction of Monotype Functional Groups onto the Polyolefin Surface (Plasma Polymerization, Underwater Plasma, ElectroSpray Ionization Deposition, Atmospheric-Pressure Chemical Ionization, Chemical Pretreatment) 329
  • Hydrophobic Recovery 335
  • Grafting onto Functionalized Polyolefin Surfaces 336
  • Summary and Conclusions 342

References 344

Nano-Enhanced Adhesives 357 - Shahin Shadlou, Babak Ahmadi-Moghadam and Farid Taheri

  • Introduction 357
  • Why Nanostructured Reinforcements? 358
  • Development of Polymer-based Nanocomposites 360
  • Mechanical Properties of Nano-reinforced Adhesives 364
  • Other Advantages of Nano-Reinforced Adhesives 383
  • Conclusion 389
  • Acknowledgements 390

References 390

Bonding Dissimilar Materials in Dentistry 397 - Muhammad Zakir, James Kit-Hon Tsoi, Chun Hung Chu, Christie Ying Kei Lung and Jukka Pekka Matinlinna

  • Introduction 398
  • Silane Coupling Agents 399
  • Zirconate Coupling Agents 403
  • Phosphate Coupling Agents 404
  • Thione/thiol Coupling Agents 405
  • Titanate Coupling Agents 406
  • Zircoaluminate Coupling Agents 408
  • Other Coupling Agents 408
  • Conclusion 410

References 411

Flame Treatment of Polymeric Materials: Relevance to Adhesion 417 - L. Mazzola and A. Cusma

  • Introduction 418
  • Flame Treatment Equipment 418
  • Effects of Flame Treatment on Plastics 426
  • Conclusion 445

References 447

Mucoadhesive Polymers for Enhancing Retention in Ocular Drug Delivery 451 - Anubha Khare, Kanchan Grover, Pravin Pawar and Inderbir Singh

  • Introduction 451
  • Composition of Mucus Layer 453
  • Natural Mucoadhesive Polymers 454
  • Synthetic Polymers 467
  • Gene Delivery 472
  • Patented Formulations 472
  • Future Prospects 472
  • Conclusion 473

Acknowledgement 474

References 474
Index 485

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